A friend mentioned the first sign of summer fireflies in her city and it reminded me of the times when my parents would send my sister and I out to Alabama to visit with our grandparents for several weeks. Just before dusk, the twinkle of the fireflies would begin to appear along sidewalks and gardens. My sister and I would grab mason jars from grandma’s kitchen and begin creating our finite nightlight for the evening.

Lately, I have been reminded a lot about my childhood. I have Lil B to thank for this. He could not have come at a better time in my life, unlocking so much good and happiness that I have tucked away and refused to pay attention to. I am ready to be re-inspired and brought back to the memories of a very happy childhood filled with adventure, travel, love, hugs and mud pies. I feel almost guilty that these memories have been stored in some old dusty box back in my memory bank.

It excites me to have G&G to share these stories on. Think camping, fishing, making chocolate chip cookies and rollerskating.

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