Lil B, as I write this there is just 27 minutes left until the clock strikes 10:31p. The minute you were born one year ago today. As a tribute, I am wearing my favorite pajama shirt – the same one I was wearing in the hospital when you arrived. No, it is not gross. It is special. You are special.

I recall the minute you were born you were such a good eater, sleeper and had a very big cry. You were the most beautiful amazing little person I had ever seen and you still are. I remember our ride home from the hospital, how scared we were to leave since we were around people who knew how to handle babies. Your father and I got home and put you in your carseat on the couch and just stared at you – amazed that we, less than 48 hours before, had brought you into this world. Then we turned to each other, embraced one another and began to cry, mumbling the words “we did it” and “he is so amazing.”

We love you peanut. we are so glad you chose us to be your parents. Cheers to the next year and the next year and the many more to come.


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