So many things have happened over the past two weeks. Lil B is close to turning 1.5. The time really has gone by fast and as he gets older we have more fun together. Every other Saturday we get to spend together while Daddy is at school.

Last week we spent Easter at the park, we missed the Easter Egg hunt by five minutes. But we got to listen and dance to a kids band, see miniature horses, rabbits and goats.





This week Lil B said his first three syllable word: ba-na-na. This is not coincidence as he is a big fan of the yellow fruit. A must have every morning.

He also said his first sentence, “Bath time for Bennett.”

He also can count to ten. We play a little game where I start with one and then he says “two” and then we say every other number. He is also quite obsessed with the alphabet and the numbers 8 and 9.

He caught his first cold this week (from mommy and daddy). He has been a great sport about it. This morning he wasn’t feeling to great and he pointed and said “sound machine” and then said “light” while pointing to it – two signals for nap time. We asked if he wanted to take a nap and he said “yes.” It is pretty amazing how communication makes life so much easier.



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