Dear Lil B,

Today was the first day you went to the beach. You were a real trooper. Aunt GZ first had you touch your toes in the ocean and you screamed bloody murder. Then I held you and let the water touch my toes but every time it touched me I could feel your little arm shake. I rubbed your leg to comfort you and you calmed down after a few minutes. I must admit that I was a little nervous and anxious too (ok, Mommy was really stressed about it). That is something I am working on; to have an unbiased opinion with your first experiences that I feel uncomfortable about. I don’t want you to be a scaredy cat like me. I want you to try everything. Just remember that a lot of firsts are scary, but the result is either you have expanded your comfort zone which will enable you to try even more new things or you can chalk it up to an experience that had and can choose to do or not to do again.

A little later, Daddy took you into the water and got your little bum wet. You screamed but you rebounded back much faster. We brought you back to our beach tent and you hung out on the blanket in your sun hat.




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